ONE WORD: MOOD! I whole-heartedly believe that photography is not showing up and saying cheese. It is an understanding between photographer and the human experience. In my years of photography, I have learned to see what differentiates you from the rest; what makes you the most beautiful. I love what I do because it makes you love you!  Capturing the human experience A large part of capturing the human experience is making sure my clients are feeling comfortable, confident, and having fun! My clients can attest that I have no qualms about acting ridiculous to get a laugh, laying down […]

Madison & Nate – A Stylish Philly Engagement



March Reflections This blog is excerpted from my bimonthly newsletter, which comes with a fresh music playlist made by yours truly. Sign up to receive it here. One of my clients brought me on her podcast recently to talk about my wedding photography journey. One of her questions was ” what advice would you give someone starting out in photography?” First and foremost, I think we need to master our craft before we can set appropriate expectations for our clients. Even more importantly, that we need to leave jealousy at the door when embarking on a new path. Jealousy sounds […]

March Reflections: Collaboration is Power.



Capturing Dan and Nicole’s love in New York City.

Dan & Nicole – New York City at Dusk



Where do I even begin? Every chance to hang with George and Ramsay is a treat. They each have a smile you can’t forget and keep any conversation interesting. I love an excuse to go down San Diego from LA- easy drive and a great escape from the city.  Ramsay and I had decided to do a whopping THREE locations for the shoot. We did the eucalyptus garden by UCSD, sunset cliffs and ended with an incredible sunset on the sands of La Jolla. Time passes quick with these two— duh fun. George was introduced to Ramsay through his sister […]

George & Ramsay- Engaged in La Jolla Beach (San Diego)



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